Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Yesterday it was a best day in my training since I start the workshop, trainer Peik Johansson trained blogg website how to open we it and we have blogg address.we opened ,cloudsfm radio,daily news and so on.

Also we did an assignment asked why we joined in workshop and the benefit we can got after the worksop.and so we learned internet in everyday journalism and the benefit in media from the internet.
The things make happy yesterday its how I manage to open the blogg website and used, because it’s a things I desired to know for a long time now,I was so axiousted yesterday.
A problem we got yesterday there power problem which made the computer run slowly, ac not working ,also lift are not worked so people are walking to downstairs. A
So this are the things made me happy yesterday and the broblem I got.

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